Posts Tagged ‘Oldboy’

  • LAMBCAST #195: OLDBOY (2013)

    by Dylan · Dec 11, 2013 at 5:12 CET · Featured, LAMBcast, Podcasts · 1 Comment
    LAMBCAST #195: OLDBOY (2013)

    I was recently having a discussion with your Shep Joel about some various blogging- and LAMB-related things, and he said something interesting: “I like that there has been one of those typical 18 month shifts with a lot of new members etc.” 

    I’m not sure if it’s officially some kind of 18-month cycle, but the sentiment is true: the LAMBcast is going through (another) renaissance of new members.  This...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #68: Oldboy

    by Dylan · May 16, 2011 at 11:00 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 10 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #68: Oldboy

    The voters in our last MOTM poll overwhelmingly selected Oldboy as this month’s film, and it’s not hard to see why. Chan-wook Park’s genre-spanning 2003 film shockingly was not an instant classic, but has become more than a cult icon in the eight years since its release, climbing the IMDb Top 250 (it currently sits at #97) and, more importantly, becoming more and more known as one of the quintessential Asian films of the new...

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  • MOTM Reminder/Update

    by Dylan · May 14, 2011 at 14:01 CEST · MOTM · No Comments
    MOTM Reminder/Update

    I posted this on Facebook, but wanted to put the note up here as well: due to scheduling conflicts, the MOTM blog-a-thon (and the posting of the MOTM-themed LAMBcast) will be happening on Monday rather than today. The good news – this gives you more time to get your posts/reviews of Oldboy in!

    Send all links to [email protected]. Thanks!


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  • The next Movie of the Month will be…

    by Dylan · Apr 29, 2011 at 5:31 CEST · MOTM · 1 Comment
    The next Movie of the Month will be…

    The poll results are in – thank you to the 58 voters who have made Oldboy the next MOTM. Here’s what needs to go down from here:

    * First thing you need to know is that May 14th is the big day.

    * You have a little over two weeks (sorry, this post is a couple days late) to watch the flick if you haven’t already, and to write up something, then send me the link ([email protected]) to either what you write...

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