
The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!


Four films were suggested by LAMB members for the next Movie of the Month: Warrior, The Wolf of Wall Street, A Simple Plan and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. It’s a pretty diverse selection covering recent, iconic, cult and critical acclaim, but the winner has continued the theme established by last month’s Spring Breakers by revelling in debauchery and less than moral activities, because the winner for the next Movie of the Month is… The Wolf of Wall Street.


Congratulations go to Kristen of Journeys in Classic Film, who in winning the poll gets a spot on the upcoming Lambcast show devoted to the movie.  There’s still an open Wild Card slot on that show (recording date Sunday June 7th, 9am Pacific), so if you want to discuss the film’s midget-tossing glory, then please leave a message in the comments section.

As always, when that Lambcast is posted, any reviews the rest of the LAMB wishes to write about the film in question will be posted too. Please send in any submissions – new or old – to jaycluitt(at)hotmail.com by Monday 8th June. That day will also see the next poll go up, so if you would like to champion a film for July’s MOTM, be sure to get in touch as well.

Here are the results of this month’s poll:
MOTM June 2015

Journeys in Classic Film will be ineligible to become a Champion for the next three months. The Vern’s Video Vortex is ineligible for two more months. Exploding Helicopter has one month of ineligibility left. Forgotten Films becomes eligible next month.

One thought on “The Movie of the Month for June 2015 is…

  1. I’ve been wanting to watch The Wolf of Wall Street for some time and with it being the MOTM, this gives me a good reason to finally get around to checking it out.

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