
30 thoughts on “The Random LAMB Banner Gallery

  1. These are some fine looking banners. We might need to hold a competition on which is the funniest, most creative, most memorable, etc.. Mmmm, sounds like a good marketing tool too.

  2. just a suggestion… could the banners on this page be made into links? might make checking out the ones that don’t list their url on the image easier.

  3. @ Corey – The images on this page are hotlinked, so if that’s not a problem (don’t think I’ve tried that before), I will. Good idea.

  4. Ugh!!

    I hate to to be picky, but I cannot STAND the image quality degradation that comes with jpegging a png file.

    Here’s a link to the original image:

    I’m requesting that you PLEASE use it, without altering it.

  5. You must be on a massive screen with top notch resolution. I’m on a 17″, and with a pic that size, I can’t even tell a difference.

    I’ll switch it out, but since you used caps and exclamation points, I’m gonna make you stare at the “ugly” one for a few days.


  6. Man, it took me 45 minutes to start following all of these great LAMBs, and I only got as far as Battle Royale with Cheese, it really is a LARGE association, heh. I’ll follow more laters….

  7. 3guys – Yeah, I’m gonna work on updating this page today. I’ll either just remove the links for the dead sites or put them in a separate section. The latter would be cooler but would also be a pain in the ass. Or maybe I’ll just link to their LAMB profile where it will indicate that they’re a dead LAMB. What to do, what to do…

  8. Dead site banners removed! Only took me nearly a month to get back to this.

    I don’t get rid of the site/banner if the URL still technically works, since bloggers are known to leave and return to their sites and it’s a lot easier to leave them up. But bad URLs are a no-no.

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