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Lambcast #764 Whatcha Been Watchin’?
Sometimes, you just have to unload all the stuff you have been doing. What better place than on the Lambcast, where you can tell us all about the movies you’ve been watching and hardly be judged at all (Well OK, you will be judged some). This Week on the LAMBcast,…

Lambcast #763 Pre 1968 Science Fiction Draft
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Vote for the March Movie of the Month
Some of our regulars have come through with suggestions for the MOTM in March. Always happy to get suggestions from people, so those of you who would like to be on an episode of the LAMBcast, suggest a MOTM and campaign for it. Not only will you be on the…
These are some fine looking banners. We might need to hold a competition on which is the funniest, most creative, most memorable, etc.. Mmmm, sounds like a good marketing tool too.
just a suggestion… could the banners on this page be made into links? might make checking out the ones that don’t list their url on the image easier.
@ Corey – The images on this page are hotlinked, so if that’s not a problem (don’t think I’ve tried that before), I will. Good idea.
I’ve updated this with some new banners, and completed your request, Corey. Again, good idea and thanks!
Where my banner at?
It be here now. I wait until there’s a few new ones as it’s kind of a pain to add them. 3 unseen ones up!
I hate to to be picky, but I cannot STAND the image quality degradation that comes with jpegging a png file.
Here’s a link to the original image:
I’m requesting that you PLEASE use it, without altering it.
You must be on a massive screen with top notch resolution. I’m on a 17″, and with a pic that size, I can’t even tell a difference.
I’ll switch it out, but since you used caps and exclamation points, I’m gonna make you stare at the “ugly” one for a few days.
Scratch that – I can tell a difference, but it’s all but negligible.
Thankee, sai!
Thanks for posting my banner.
LAMB is awesome.
Thanks for posting mine, but the URLs for mine and Only the Cinema are switched.
Ahh – gracias! Tis fixed.
Thanks for posting my banner. I’m glad to be a part of such a good looking group.
Thanks a lot for posting my banner!
Thanks for adding my banner! The LAMB rules!
Those are cool banners.
Man, it took me 45 minutes to start following all of these great LAMBs, and I only got as far as Battle Royale with Cheese, it really is a LARGE association, heh. I’ll follow more laters….
SciFiDrive.com is now Scifidrive.net
Long Live the Lambs!
I look sexy up there.The Emperor definitely approves of LAMBs!
Fletch: When is your next update?
The gallery is updated at the beginning of each month when the LAMB Leaderboard for the previous month’s traffic is updated.
Rachel: Thank you.
Thanks for updating! So cool with so many banners!
I was checking some LAMB stuff and my old banner came up on the random banner deal, but the link is my old and cursed dead URL. I dunno, if you can or want you can update the link to:
if you can’t I understand. Thanks and keep up the good work here. Getting better and better.
My banner is still here…
but you seem to no longer be using it on the leader board?
“MiNG Movie Reviews (in about 100 words or less)
holy dead links, clicking some of those will bring you back to 2008.
Anyway to get a graveyard going for blogs that are dead links or have not been updated in years?
3guys – Yeah, I’m gonna work on updating this page today. I’ll either just remove the links for the dead sites or put them in a separate section. The latter would be cooler but would also be a pain in the ass. Or maybe I’ll just link to their LAMB profile where it will indicate that they’re a dead LAMB. What to do, what to do…
Klaus: It will be back on the leader next month. I had some issues when doing the first leaderboard round-up.
Dylan: I’d remove them. So its just active ones here.
Dead site banners removed! Only took me nearly a month to get back to this.
I don’t get rid of the site/banner if the URL still technically works, since bloggers are known to leave and return to their sites and it’s a lot easier to leave them up. But bad URLs are a no-no.