
Mmmm…tasty. Click on the banner to go to the Chop:

MovieZeal gives their review of 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days. Submitted by MovieZeal:

“The film’s blistering power is owed almost entirely to the fact that it avoids politicizing one of the most hot-button issues in the world today.”


Fataculture rants against the MPAA (every fanboy’s favorite whipping post). Submitted by MovieZeal:

“In addition, all you anti-smoking lobbyists; people who do not want to smoke, do not and those who do, do. Not as if any of you are making the tiniest spec of difference. So stop wasting your time and get your nicotine-stain free hands off my goddamn cinema.”


Coosa Creek Mambo wonders what’s happened to all the good Asian cinema. Submitted by MovieZeal:

“Maybe it’s time to admit that free-market capitalism doesn’t work for art any more than it works for health care or air travel or any number of other things . . . what about subsidizing art theaters like communities do art galleries?”


Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob takes an in-depth look at Spirited Away. Submitted by R2D2:

“Believe it or not, Anime as we know it began because of Walt Disney. Japanese animators were impressed with the style of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, so they decided to try and mimic the style.”


The Center Seat is pissed off and wants you to know about it. Submitted by The Center Seat:

“The only thing I can think of is to raise awareness. So I guess that’s what I’m trying to do. Watch the doc if you get HBO… if you don’t, research the problem”


Finally, Tractor Facts was unimpressed by Borderland. Submitted by Tractor Facts:

“Unlike the recent set-in-Mexico gore film, The Ruins, you won’t take nary a cheap gooey thrill from Borderland. Its not just punishing in its trauma scenes, but in the exposition that sleeps in between the blood lust.”


Thanks to all who submitted their Chops, and especially to MovieZeal for submitting some from other sites. Submissions for next week’s Chops (April 13-19) are now being accepted and will be through Tuesday, April 22. The details:

* My email: blogcabins@yahoo.com
* Please send with a subject of “LAMB Chops Submission”
* In the email, provide your site name, the post title, and URL (post URL is preferred, if possible).

2 thoughts on “LAMB Chops (4/6 – 4/12)

  1. I think it’s funny/ironic that Coosa Creek Mambo is talking about there being no good Asian cinema these days, and right after that is one of my posts from Recent East Asian Cinema, a blog-a-thon discussing amazing modern Asian cinema.

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