Well, it’s finally the end of the month and it’s time for the results of our new feature: LAMB MOTM. The Big Lebowski, suggested by Nayana at The Center Seat, was this month’s pick. Here is what your fellow LAMBs thought of it.
Watch It
Big Mike’s Movie Blog
The Center Seat
Matte Havoc
Invasion of the B Movies
Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob
The Flick Chick
Because I Saw the Film
Rachel’s Reel Reviews
Blog Cabins
Thank you to all LAMBs who particpated. No surprise that it was a popular choice.
Since there are still 16 titles left over from last month’s suggestions, I have drawn a new title for July’s MOTM out of that lot. From now on I’ll be taking new title suggestions every 6 months. If you submitted a title earlier this month that you want taken out, please let me know.
Your July MOTM is The Conversation, a 1974 Francis Ford Coppola film, suggested by Anil at The Long Take. Now get it, watch it, review it and send me the link to your review at rachelcminyard@hotmail.com. Please let me know what your site is and what your feelings (love, hate, don’t care) toward the movie are in the email. I need your reviews by noon (CST) on July 30th. What are you waiting for? Go!
The Conversation?! Awesome, totally awesome!
I’m looking forward to watching this one. To this date, I only know it as “the movie that Enemy of the State copped from/that Hackman pretty much reprised his role from.”
Excellent job to all the Lebowski lovers, though it would have been interesting to read at least one dissenting opinion (so we could all journey over there with marmants and threaten to cut off their johnson/jillson).
A note to all who are about to see this film — Take note of the use of sound in the movie.
^ Absolutely.
I love this film. The best $5 I ever spent at WalMart.
Picked it up for for ten bucks at B&N on a buy two, get one free with Five Easy Pieces and The Ref.