
Round two has now ended! The votes have been tallied! The winners are now… um… winning. Anyway, to the results!

Lara Croft Vs. John McClane.

It was a tough fight to the end, but the bosom beat the badass 13 to 12. (If that really needs any clarification… Lara won).

Tony Stark Vs. Nicholas Angel.

In what was one of the most epic battles ever fought… more epic than 300 or any of the major battles in Lord of the Rings…. we had Fletch versus Nick… er… I mean, Tony Stark versus Nicholas Angel! It was one of the closest races we’ve ever had. It was neck-and-neck the entire way through and tied for the longest time. But yeah… so… um… tonywins13to11yetagainbringingfletchintothefinals. (Though with all the death threats and the horse’s head on my bed, I’m gonna say there was cheating involved… but that’s just my opinion 😛 ).

Anywho, there we are! I know this is awfully short notice, but if I could get the two articles by Saturday night, that’d be wonderful (as I’m going out of town and I’d like to set it up to be posted on Monday so voting could be finished by the time I get back). If not… well… I guess we’ll think of something else. So here’s the updated versus bracket (click to enlarge):

Thanks to everybody as usual, and let’s end this with a bang! Thanks!

9 thoughts on “The LAMB Action Hero: Round Two Results.

  1. “yetagainbringingfletchintothesemifinals”

    The FINALS, buddy. Bringing Fletch into the finals.

    I’ll try to get my essay done in time.

  2. If Jess wins this thing, I’ll be convinced that I’m good luck for whomever I’m pitted against in the first round. First The Bride, now maybe Lara Croft. We’ll see.

  3. Boo, Farzan!

    You’re supposed to base your pick off the essays, not the characters! They haven’t even been posted yet! Oh, and Nick – uh, I’m not gonna have mine done by tonight. Off to see American Teen. Sorry, buddy.

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