
Sorry this is kind of late, but September just flew by. Just a reminder that anyone wanting to participate in the MOTM feature has until next Monday (9/29) to get a review of the movie EuroTrip to me. Send links of your reviews to rachelcminyard@hotmail.com, titled “LAMB MOTM Submission” by 12:00 CST on Monday. Please let me know your site and whether you liked/loved, disliked/hated or were indifferent to the movie. For previous posts on the MOTM feature, check here. And remember: old reviews are gladly welcome. Please contact me with any questions.


One thought on “LAMB MOTM Reminder: September

  1. haha… holy crap. It’s my own movie and I’ve almost forgotten to review it! Jeez… I need to write myself a note to have a review in this weekend…

    Thanks for the reminder!

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