Hello, CS of Big Thoughts From A Small Mind here to remind you all about the March edition of Pitch the LAMB.
Helpful Tips: Do not over think it. Keep your pitch simple and have fun with it. If you are stuck on what to write, take three or four items from the words/phrases list and try to weave them into a sentence. If you are still stuck, try coming up with a a random title for the film. As we have seen with Hot Tub Time Machine and Snakes on a Plane, sometimes the film will write itself given the proper title. Remember the “pitch” can be as long or as short as you like. If you only come up with four or five lines, still submit it! Chances are good that it will still be more creative than some the films being released these days.
Movie Genre: Coming-of-Age
10 words/phrases to get you started:
- Working
- He’s going to kill you…
- Loner
- She does not know I am alive…
- Hey Frankie…
- Kissed
- Do not tell Dad…
- Virginity
- You did what?
- Grounded