Here they be. When I opened up the email, I saw a bunch of Chops from the past month sitting there, but since they are a month old, I only went with the ones that been sent in from the last two weeks or so. I apologize if you sent in a chop but it didn’t get picked. Please feel free to send them in again for next week.
Site: Bloggin Bin Revue
Post: Bad Movies, Good Eats: Not Constantinople Edition
Submitted by: Bargain Bin Review
Site: This Guy Over Here
Post: Top 10 Dramedies of the 2000’s
Submitted by: This Guy Over Here
Site: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Title: Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster (1966)
Submitted by: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Site: Nevermind Pop Films
Post:Superman Returns: A Retrospective
Submitted by: Nevermind Pop Films
Site: He Shot Cyrus
Post: How To Cover A Film Festival
Submitted by: He Shot Cyrus
Site: The Movie Encyclopedia
Post: Interview with Dr. Uwe Boll
Submitted by: The Movie Encyclopedia
Site Name: Plus Trailers
Post Title: The Greatest Cinema Experience of my Life
Submitted by: Plus Trailers
Site Name: The Cultural Post
Post Title: First Images of ‘Repeaters’
Submitted by: Anh Khoi Do
Site Name: Invasion of the B Movies
Post Title: Razzie’s ’10: Transfromers: Revenge of the Fallen (Review)
Submitted by: Invasion of the B Movies
Got a few submissions for the first ever Bloody Chops coming up on Saturday, but I still need more. So send them in by Friday night!
Thanks to all who submitted!
I’ve always wanted to know – what is the definition of these LAMB chops. Is it a case of people just getting their blog a little publicity by highlighting something they are proud of recently? or is there more purpose?
Ideally, they would represent the best of the LAMB.
When they first started, I only had people submitted posts from sites that weren’t their own, but (shocker) I didn’t get all that many entries. So it opened up to anything, though submissions for others’ sites are always more than welcome. Since they’re posted just a couple times a week, the point is for people to submit the posts they’re proudest of/want the most views for in the given time period.
Thanks for including my post! Thank you thank you thank you.
Thanks for putting up my Superman Retrospective.
Ideally, LAMB Chops should only be posted if they’re your proudest works.
Why should we re submit our chops if you have them still in your inbox? Just keep them in your reserve pile whenever you have a slow week O_O