
In the last poll, Dylan asked if members would be interested in a blog mentoring program geared toward new LAMB members who’ve just started their sites and need a little extra support and advice in the beginning. More details can be found in the last poll post. There was a fair amount of interest for both the mentor role and the rookie role, so if anyone would like to head up this program, please email me here. Since this would be a new project, nothing is set in stone and you would have an opportunity to make it your own. And if you are looking for a way to become more involved with the LAMB, this would be an excellent opportunity.

I have received some suggestions from a LAMB member on two current LAMB features, LAMB Chops and the LAMB Leaderboard. It was suggested that the LAMB Chops are ineffective at generating traffic for the sites and articles featured, not at the fault of Jason or Ivan, but just the general attitude towards Chops. It was suggested we have one LAMB “link of the day” featured, instead of three separate sets of Chops throughout the week.

As for the Leaderboard, it was suggested that instead of highlighting the LAMB sites that send the most traffic to the LAMB monthly, we highlight the LAMBs who are commenting the most on the LAMB. I know several bloggers who have monthly comment contests to generate more interaction on their sites, and it really seems to work.

So, what say you? Vote in the polls and leave additional thoughts in the comments.

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