
LAMB Chops: March 22nd

Site Name: jdbrecordsReview of ‘Last Summer’ (1969)Submitted By: jdbrecords Site Name: Just Plain SomethingIdes of March review of Much Ado about Nothing (1993)Submitted By: Just Plain Something Site name: Wide Screen WorldFairy tale movies that probably won’t get madeSubmitted By: Wide Screen World Site Name: Movie Reviews by Tom CliftBatte:…

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LAMB #862 – Guardians of the Genre!

URL: http://guardiansofthegenre.blogspot.com/Site Name: Guardians of the Genre!Categories: Reviews, News, Editorials, Humor, Horror, Classic Film, Lists, (other)Science FictionRating: PG-13 What is the main focus of your site?I and my fellow Guardians write about the many virtues of our three favorite genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. I, Fritz “Doc” Freakenstein, am…

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