Lots of LAMBs have podcasts, and lots of LAMBs listen to podcasts. But are we all listening, or even aware of all of those podcasts? My palate of podcasts is almost always overrun with potential new shows, but every now and then, a show or two will stop and I’m be ready to dip my toes into a new one, and I always like to try to listen to a LAMBs’ show over some random podcast.
With that in mind, as well as the benefits of networking and friendship and all those other shiny, happy things, the LAMB Podcasting Network was formed. The goal is to cross-promote each others’ shows on each others’ shows, via trailers that will be made by the respective producers. The more members of the Network, the more potential ears for your trailer to be heard, and so on and so forth.

Official membership details of the LPN, as well as the roster of shows (and some nifty new banner ads created for each podcast), can be found here: http://largeassmovieblogs.blogspot.com/p/lpn.html

4 thoughts on “Introducing…the LAMB Podcasting Network

  1. I’m so f*ckin tired of commenting on blogger.

    Just wanted to say its a great initiative but it demands a little more from the producers. The few shows I have listened to haven’t had very smooth transitions for the trailers.

  2. @ Liam – Excellent! Don’t forget – there’s also the Podcast Roundup here on the home page that lists even more (hopefully the two lists will synergize) shows with their recent episode information.

    @ Joel – So sorry about your Blogger troubles – who knows, a switch to self-hosted might happen eventually…

    Anyway, yeah, I can see what you mean, but it’s early yet. We’ll iron out all of the kinks in no time! 😀

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