Reminder: The LAMBcast/MOTM blog-a-thon extravaganza for Dead Man happens Saturday! Send your links for posts/reviews to by 6:00 AM Pacific on Saturday the 17th.
On the LAMBcast in April, the Movie of the Month is really the “Movies” of the month episode, because we choose a franchise to look at rather than a single film. This year, the submissions amounted to four fantastic choices. Lisa Leaheey from the Rabbit hole Podcast collective, has offered…
The March Movie of the Month is an exploitation thriller that doubles as a disaster film. If there are consistent threads in the 70s wave of disaster pictures it was that Irwin Allen Produced them or Charlton Heston starred in them. The outsized producer is absent this week but we…
Who would have thought that we’d get back to back MOTM Episodes? That happened because we had no show the first week of February and with a short month, things sneak up on you. This month all of the choices for MOTM were provided by the host,, it is his…
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