
Year after year the movies of the year pass by and we talk about them. We talk about them individually, we compile lists of our favourites and we talk about them some more. We might even talk about them comparatively as in X is better than Y because Z…and so on. But, oftentimes I feel we never really analyse them – especially comparatively. And, cinema is so rich thematically – we don’t consider it as we do things of literary origins – but even the films with the worst “story” are driven by themes and motifs.

So, in celebration of this 2011 I invited ten great bloggers for a mini blogging event taking a look at eleven themes in cinema of the last cinematic year: 11 for ’11.

Andrew K.

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don’t get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) – I’ll handle the rest.

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