
Hello Lammies.

I’m making this introduction really short because I am going to be busy all day with work. However,I still wanted to make sure that you got your daily dose of new trailers and this week has some nice surprises. David Cronenberg‘s new flick is bound to disturb many viewers, but I have a little bit more respect for Robert Patterson now. We also get another Adam Sandler comedy too. Just wanted to warn you about that one, that’s all.

As always I will review two wide releases and two independent ones.

The Host.

Writer Stephenie Meyer’s follows up her “Twilight” Saga with this tale of an alien invasion. I gotta admit, this trailer has me at least intrigued to see a longer one. The casting of Saorise Ronan (“Hanna“) also has me interested but I’m a little concerned about Andrew Niccol(“Gattaca“) directing this. His last effort(“In Time“) was a box office and critical dud. Hope he can give us something good here.

That’s My Boy.

Adam Sandler playes a loser father who tries to bond with his successful son so that he can get money from him to avoid a prison term. This is a standard Happy Madison movie that is written by fourteen year old boys for twelve year old boys.  Look I love immature humor as much as the next guy but Sandler and company take some things a bit too far. He needs to take a cue from some of his characters and grow the f___ up.   In the beginning we see an older woman seducing one of her students into having sex with her. Since she is hot we can’t really call it rape but if you switch the sexes around and had an attractive older man seducing a younger girl. This movie would be banned and there would be a huge uproar about it. Not quite sure why this action is considered to be acceptable.

4:44. The Last Day On Earth.

What would you do if you knew the exact time the earth was going to end. William Dafoe answers that question by having lots of sex with the beautiful Shanyn Leigh. This looks to be a very metaphysical movie with lots of talk about physics and religion mixed in with some nudity.  There seems to be a lot of these end of the world movies that have characters contemplating their own lives.  This almost looks like if you were to take “Melancholia” and infuse it with “Take Shelter“.  The performances from it’s cast is good and I can’t deny the trailer does have me a bit interested to see this.  I really think if the world really was going to end at a certain time.  People would find a way to exploit it.


(The following Trailer contains heavy violence and semi nudity. Viewer discretion is advised)

I have no idea what I just watched but I can’t wait to see more. David Cronenberg’s last two movies were sort of on the safe side and I was worried that he would never again make a movie that really shows his wild imagination. Robert Patterson has proven to me that he is more interested in the craft of acting by agreeing to be in this flick. I have a feeling this will alienate a lot of his hardcore tween fans and people who hated his other flicks will avoid this one because his name is attached to this. I for one can not wait to dive head first into this trippy mind ride.

Let me know what you think of this week’s entry. Is there a trailer I didn’t cover that you wish I had. Please leave comments and suggestions below.

4 thoughts on “Trailer Trash Tuesday.

  1. You’ve got to commend Pattinson. He might not be a great actor but he’s doing his best to shake off Twilight.

    That Adam Sandler film looks awful (but most do) and I agree with you about the gender reversal. It would never get made if the genders had been swapped.

  2. Thanks Tom for the nice words. no wonder your last name has good at the beginning.

    The sad thing is we all know Adam Sandler can act. I’m not saying he has to do serious dramas, but he could at least do better comedies than this. It’s like his mind is stuck in 1993 and he’s still on SNL.

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