I was going to wait a few days to post this as a means to incentivize people to listen to the show prior to seeing and voting on our picks, but with the LAMMY nominations included in episode #117, I’m not exactly sure I really need to worry about that. With over 200 downloads already, it’s safe to say that most of you have heard it…that is, unless you skipped right over the Cruise Draft and went straight to the nominations. Though I’m sure no one did that, right?
Anyway, here are the mini film festivals that we ended up with – don’t forget when looking at these sometimes sorry slates that, in order to make it more interesting, our first round was wiped out. Who got the best of what was left?
Knight and Day? Ouch, really?!
Hey, other crap was already taken! At least I didn’t end up with… I don’t know… Cocktail… or Mission Impossible 2. 😛
I’m actually surprised 5 people voted for my picks… I sure didn’t!
Y’all need to stop voting for Dylan! He has crabs! And molests dolphins! And gives crabs to dolphins! And I’m giving you Spielberg/Phillip K Dick, Brad Bird, and JJ Abrams!
Still baffled I’m the runner up in this with my sorry excuse for movies or there have to be a ton of 80’s fans out there…
I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but how did you have a Tom Cruise draft and ALL fail to pick A FEW GOOD MEN? Boo.
Yeah…that’s where listening to the show would help. 😀