Welcome back to another round of Lamb Chop-Ups brought to you by Bubbawheat. Last week, Life vs. Film did a clean sweep, getting all the Kevin Smith movies very quickly. This week’s puzzle should be a lot harder to get all the movies, though there’s several easier ones tossed in. I’m hoping for a good round this week. If this is your first time playing, I have a word spelled out from cut up movie posters. Your job is to guess which movie each letter came from, there’s also a bonus movie that is not pictured, but is hinted at by the word itself and/or the other movies used. I occasionally throw in some tricks to make things difficult, like rotating some pieces, so keep your eye out. Click through to see this week’s puzzle and leave your guesses.
Some notes: While I try to use official movie posters, I don’t always use the most well-known posters. All posters are taken from the first page of a Google Image search for “(movie title) poster”. Either the first person to get all the answers right, or whoever gets the most right gets 10 points on the leaderboard, the first person to get the bonus movie correct will get 5 points, and everyone else will get 1 point for being the first person to guess each letter correctly, so be sure to toss out your guesses even if you don’t know them all at once.
Overall Leaderboard:
Dust Raven: 33 points
Life vs. Film: 30 points
Forgotten Films: 25 points
100 Years of Movies: 6 points
Silver Emulsion: 2 points
Joel Burman: 1 point
The Movie Waffler: 1 point
5: TRON: Legacy
7: Chronicles of Narnia: Any Of Them
9: Snow White and the Huntsman
4: Stardust?
That’s all i got!
2. Labyrinth?
13. Return to Oz?
15. Neverending Story?
8. Red Riding Hood?
Bonus: National Treasure
N Chronicles of Narnia
T Labryinth
L Tron Legacy
Y Neverending Story
A Stardust
Some good guesses so far, not all of them are right though, and the bonus isn’t National Treasure. Keep ’em coming!
T Labyrinth
E Coraline
A Stardust
L Tron Legacy
N The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe
R Wizard of Oz
Film: Time Bandits
Some of these are on the tip of my tongue!
You got the bonus movie – Time Bandits. You’re good at this.
Thanks! Seen too many posters in my time! That ‘O’ is really pissing me off, I know it I swear! The 2nd ‘I’ as well. Goddamn you Bubba.
The ‘S’ is from Brave! Could have sworn I wrote that earlier! (I’ve changed my name too).
S – Spirited Away
T – Labyrinth
E – Coraline
A – Stardust
L – TRONG: Legacy
I – MirrorMask
N – Narnia The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
G – Brazil
H – Pan’s Labyrinth
I – ?
S – ?
T – ?
O – Return to Oz
R – Wizard of Oz
Y – Neverending Story
That’s all I’ve got.
We’re getting closer, I knew the last few would be tough. Have you figured out the theme yet?
I thought it was something like historical fantasy literary adaptations, but that seems a bit convoluted.
Yeah, not quite that convoluted. There’s three that haven’t bee figured out yet, one is quite popular, the other two are somewhat obsure and involve animation. And that’s the only hint you guys are getting.
Oh sorry, four haven’t been guessed correctly yet, all four involve some form of animation, and only one was quite popular.
They are all fantasy films with alternate dimensions.
G – Monkeybone not Brazil.
S – Spirited Away
T – Labyrinth
E – Coraline
A – Stardust
L – TRONG: Legacy
I – MirrorMask
N – Narnia The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
G – Monkey Bone
H – Pan’s Labyrinth
I – ?
S – ?
T – ?
O – Return to Oz
R – Wizard of Oz
Y – Neverending Story
I suppose these are all about children getting lost and/or ending up in alternate realities. I’ve been searching for movies to this effect but haven’t found the last three.
S – Spirited Away
T – Labyrinth
E – Coraline
A – Stardust
L – TRON: Legacy
I – MirrorMask
N – Narnia The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
G – Monkey Bone
H – Pan’s Labyrinth
I – Monster’s Inc.
S – Brave
T –
O – Return to Oz
R – Wizard of Oz
Y – The Neverending Story
Nice with Monsters Inc. and Brave.
Thanks, the ‘I’ has been bugging me for a while. That ‘T’ is really starting to piss me off though.
It would be nice… but they’re not right.
The ‘S’ isn’t Black Widow’s hair from The Avengers is it? Technically a portal to another dimension I suppose.
Hmmm… Well, then I don’t know. haha
S – Spirited Away
T – Labyrinth
E – Coraline
A – Stardust
L – TRON: Legacy
I – MirrorMask
N – Narnia The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
G – Monkey Bone
H – Pan’s Labyrinth
I –
S – The Avengers
T –
O – Return to Oz
R – Wizard of Oz
Y – The Neverending Story
It’s not the Avengers, all three much more closely fit the alternate/fantasy world theme, I will also say that it is hair.
S – Enchanted
Scratch that, the ‘S’ is the Mad Hatter’s hair from Alice in Wonderland.
S- Alice in Wonderland (2010)