Podcast Blustering: The LAMBcast

by Shep. Burman · July 27, 2012 · LAMBcast · 7 Comments

It’s Blusterin’ Time!

But its not the usual Blog Blustering you are used too, I have decided to mix it up but I’ll be mixing up the blog blustering posts with these podcast blusterings on individual podcast episodes from the LAMB podcasting network.

So the rules are the same as in the Blog Blustering but here’s the re-cap:

What I do is list a podcast episode; you critique it. But here’s the catch: to induce the most honest reactions, don’t leave the comment using your normal alias/login – instead, go anonymous, and be as brutally honest (or complimentary) as you wish to be. Also, be specific, and naturally, don’t be rude. If I deem anything inappropriate, I’ll have no problem deleting the comment.

Also feel free to leave input on other episodes than the one listed if you have general input on on the podcast that is not related to the episode attached to the Blustering.

First up is of course the latest LAMBcast episode on the Dark Knight Rises which you can find here. But you leave your bluster comments on this post!

Are you a LAMB podcasting network member and want to be blustered please get in touch on [email protected]

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