I think I am getting a lot more comfortable with my power after taking over the LAMBScores. I received some nice feedback from last week’s post so I decided not to change much on the new format. The only additon I included was certain quotes from reviews to give a little more depth to the scores. This week features The Amazing Spider-Man, Savages, Ice Age: Continental Drift, and Katy Perry: Part of Me. As always, feel free to post your own scores in the LAMBScores Forum, but please, read the rules beforehand.
Grind My Reels
Film Actually
Cinematic Katzenjammer
Defiant Success
Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights
Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews “In a World Without Weakness, The Amazing Spider-Man Nearly Succeeds in Becoming Amazing”
Kirkham A Movie A Day “Solid Re-boot that takes a while to get to the main plot and then rushes it.”
Fear of a Ghost Planet “The movie sees the character grow up considerably, becoming something more than a dopey whiz-kid in a mask”
The Voracious Filmgoer
Anti-Film School
Sean Kelly on Movies
Cinema Sights
Cinema Nerdz
Inspired Ground
Film Forager
The Velvet Cafe
The Critical Movie Critics
The Great Movie Project
Two Dude Review
Two Tickets For…
The Movie Review Warehouse
Duke & The Movies
Let’s Go To The Movies
The Pseudo 6-Man
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Movies Hate You Too
Temple of Reviews
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
The Film Emporium
Love and Squalor Film
Rambling Film
3 Guys 1 Movie
Can’t Stop the Movies “The film is muted. It feels like we’re watching a pilot for a late 90’s ABC TV show: it’s not risking doing a damn thing.”
Reel Talk “An odd, bloody fascinating film”
The Voracious Filmgoer
Fr. Dennis at the Movies “Definitely not for everybody…more than earning it’s R-rating”
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews “For the Love of Strong Weed, Savages Gets Down to Bloody Business”
The Great Movie Project
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
3 Guys 1 Movie
The Movie Review Warehouse
Anti-Film School
Okinawa Assault
Average: 2.90/5
The Pact (1.5 with 2 reviews)
Is it just me or doesn’t it look like most LAMBscores median numbers end up between RT and IMDB. Interesting…
Yeah, it’s nice to see them match up well.
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How come my score is not with Spider-Man?
Check the LAMBforums.. a bunch of people didn’t list their scores correctly.
Sorry to nag, but I was wondering if you would consider putting the LAMBScore “front and center”, to draw focus to it. Currently, there are a lot of numbers to look at, but what I am really concerned with is the LAMBScore. Also, I think would also be nicer visually to put the overall LAMB Score using those lambs graphics.
Just a suggestion.
Keep up the good work.
There. Made the LAMB score the biggest. I’ll work on highlighting it more in the next edition.