
First off, apologies for the delay. We had a changeover of LAMBScores editors but fear not, we are back on track. As a result, we have a fairly large edition of the LAMBScores this week with five scores for you to check out. First up, we have Ang Lee’s visually stunning adaptation of Life of Pi featuring some of the best 3D in years. We also have the holiday superhero epic Rise of the Guardians and the divisive Killing Them Softly, starring Brad Pitt. Fox Searchlight also released the Oscar-baity Hitchcock, but it doesn’t seem to live up to the legacy of its title character. Finally, we also have some reviews for Red Dawn if that tickles your fancy. If you want to see your own reviews on the next edition of the LAMBScores, head on over to the forums.

Rotten Tomatoes: 4.45 (89%)
IMDb: 4.20 (8.4/10)
LAMB: 4.07 (28)
Average: 4.24

Fr. Dennis at the Movies
The Sanity Clause
Defiant Success
The Cinematic Katzenjammer
Go, See, Talk!
Fogs’ Movie Reviews
Surrender to the Void
Two Dollar Cinema
Me On The Movie
At The Back
Inspired Ground
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah…
Sean Kelly on Movies
Film Actually
The Cinematic Spectacle
Love and Squalor Film
And So It Begins…
An Online Universe
Let’s Go To The Movies
Rorschach Reviews
Two Tickets For…
Sketchy Details
A Potpurri of Vestiges
The Movie Review Warehouse
The Warning Sign
Cinema Nerdz

LAMB Bites:
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews: “Life of Pi is a breathtaking film of spiritual and natural beauty, moving me deeply on an emotional and technical level.”
An Online Universe: “Life of Pi is a symphony of genuine and emotive storytelling infused with a complex protagonist that almost matches the visual perfection.”
The Movie Review Warehouse: “A visual feast that is not matched by the quality of its story.”

Rotten Tomatoes: 3.80 (76%)
IMDb: 3.45 (6.9/10)
LAMB: 3.33 (24)
Average: 3.53

Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
My Filmviews
And So It Begins…
Anti-Film School
An Online Universe
Film Phage
The Film Emporium
A Potpourri of Vestiges
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Surrender to the Void
Rorschach Reviews
Never Mind Pop Film
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah…
Sean Kelly on Movies
The Smoking Pen
The Movie Review Warehouse
Two Tickets For…
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
At The Back
The Sanity Clause
Temple of Reviews
The Movie Waffler
The Soap Box Office

LAMB Bites:
Anti-Film School: “Killing Them Softly is a sobering, chillingly realistic, bleak, and angry crime thriller that ewe won’t soon forget. Pitt’s performance is unforgettable.”
The Movie Review Warehouse: “An overdose of 2008 anti-nostalgia may be meaningful to the story, but it isn’t gracefully told.”
The Movie Waffler: “The movie might be set in 2008 but it’s very much reminiscent of the nineties and the spate of awful Tarantino imitations we had to endure in that decade.”

Rise_of_the_Guardians_19Rotten Tomatoes: 3.65 (73%)
IMDb: 3.75 (7.5/10)
LAMB: 3.72 (9)
Average: 3.71

Cinema Nerdz (5)
Two Tickets For… (4.5)
Benend’s Basement (4.5)
A Constant Visual Feast (4)
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah… (3.5)
Rorschach Reviews (3.5)
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews (3)
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews (3)
An Online Universe (2.5)

MV5BODAwNDI5NjIwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjc4ODc2OA@@._V1._SY317_Rotten Tomatoes: 3.30 (66%)
IMDb: 3.65 (7.3/10)
LAMB: 2.73 (13)
Average: 3.23

Sobriety Test Reviews (4)
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews (3.5)
Wide Screen World (3.5)
The Sanity Clause (3)
The Vern’s Videovanguard (3)
Movies Hate You Too (3)
Citizen Charlie (3)
Fr. Dennis at the Movies (2.5)
Sketchy Details (2.5)
A Constant Visual Feast (2.5)
Go, See, Talk! (2.5)
Reel Talk (1.5)
And So It Begins… (1)

MV5BMjI0MDAwMzA1M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzIxMjY3OA@@._V1_Rotten Tomatoes: 0.55 (11%)
IMDb: 2.80 (5.6/10)
LAMB: 2.09 (11)
Average: 1.81

War Movie Blog (4)
Go, See, Talk! (2.5)
The Soap Box Office (2.5)
Movie Reviews by Tom Clift (2)
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews (2)
Fogs’ Movie Reviews (2)
Movies Hate You Too (2)
Two Tickets For… (2)
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah… (1.5)
The Film Discussion (1.5)
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews (1)

2 thoughts on “LAMBScores: A Psycho Tiger Kills Them Softly

  1. Thanks for picking up the LAMBscores torch Shane! Don’t forget to add featured as a category to the announcement posts so they are featured on the top slider. I’ve updated this post already.

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