
This week just two films are up for our review and discussion. The Steven Spielberg directed historical drama, Lincoln, starring the ever-so-great Daniel Day-Lewis, came roaring into theaters with even more Oscar buzz. Skyfall, the 23rd film in the Bond Franchise, is the largest grossing Bond movie of all time and has the story and the looks to back up its earnings. Want to see your own scores on each edition of the LAMBScores? Simply head over the forums and post your review. 

Rotten Tomatoes: 4.60 (92%)
IMDB: 4.05 (8.1/10)
LAMB: 4.32 (50)
Average: 4.32

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Cinema Sights

LAMB Bites:
Benend’s Basement: “The film is a beautifully shot and choreographed production dripping with style. The quality visuals are also matched by a compelling script led by a more personal, conflicted Bond.”
Alex’s Movie Blog: “The perfect combination of old and new style Bond.”
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews: “This 23rd installment in the Bond franchise completely makes up for every shortcoming in Quantum of Solace and breathes new life into the long-running series.”
The Cinematic Spectacle: “As much gritty as it is slick, this is a Bond to rank with the best of them.” 
An Online Universe: “The film relies too much on the series’ nostalgia, and it is as if Bond himself is merely a vessel for the action rather than being a character who thinks or feels anything at all.” 

Rotten Tomatoes: 4.50 (90%)
IMDB: 4.20 (8.4/10)
LAMB: 4.18 (23)
Average: 4.29

Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Citizen Charlie
Can’t Stop the Movies
Defiant Success
Anti-Film School
The Sanity Clause
Cinema Nerdz
Nevermind Pop Film
Rorschach ReviewsDan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
The Bishop Review
Kirkham a Movie a Day
Go, See, Talk!
The Reel Collection
Temple of Reviews
Love and Squalor Film
Lord of the Flies
Fogs’ Movie Reviews
Two Tickets For…
The Movie Review Warehouse
The Cinematic Spectacle
Grind My Reels

LAMB Bites:
Citizen Charlie: “Daniel Day-Lewis is today’s best actor working and creates the most unforgettable character since There Will Be Blood.”
The Movie Review Warehouse: “A strong portrait of the political process is cluttered with lazily drawn First family drama.”
Anti-Film School: “There are just not enough hours in the day rave about Lewis and his spellbinding performance.” 
The Cinematic Spectacle: “Spielberg’s latest film is one of words and deeds, with some flashy cinematography and solid performances thrown in for good measure.” 

3 thoughts on “LAMBscores: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by the (Not-So) Coward James Bond

    1. Thats not really doable right now due to the maintenance it would require from the editor. I’m working on a updated automated system that will be more helpful towards our reviewers.

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