Foreign Chops #9: Cinema of Quebec

by Robert Gannon · March 7, 2013 · Featured, Foreign Chops · 2 Comments

Foreign Chops 9: Incendies

We had a great turn out for Foreign Chops #9: Cinema of Quebec. There’s a wide range of films to read about representing a nice cross section of what the region has to offer. The most popular film was Incendies, netting three reviews and a mention in a long form article about Canadian Cinema.

We’ll announce the next Foreign Chops subject soon. For now, enjoy all the great pieces on the Cinema of Quebec.

The Barbarian Invasions

Life vs. Film

Before Tomorrow

The Film Rat


Bonjour Tristesse

Café de Flore

Bonjour Tristesse

A Cinematic Trip Around Canada

The Movie Rat


The Movie Rat


Bonjour Tristesse

Surrender to the Void

YAM Magazine

Laurence Anyways

Bonjour Tristesse

YAM Magazine

Mon Oncle Antoine

Surrender to the Void

Monsieur Lazhar

The Movie Rat

YAM Magazine

The Salesman

Bonjour Tristesse

War Witch

The Movie Rat

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