
interviewSometimes we need to take a step back from reviewing films or talking about what we’ve been watching lately or playing LAMBpardy to just talk amongst ourselves.  To learn a bit more about each other, outside of our love of films.  With that said, I present to you the second edition of Get To Know Your LAMBcasters, where I was joined by Joel, Joe, Kristen and first-timer Robert Zerbe of To the Escape Hatch.  We talked about swimming with sharks (not the film, though you should see that if you haven’t), Unbreakable, Lindsborg, Kansas, world-roaming siblings, and much, much more.  

Also on tap:

* Rants and Raves of the Week
* Name That Year Times Five

A few notes:

* The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. The direct RSS feed is: http://lambcast.podomatic.com/rss2.xml

* Shows will eventually make their way to the LAMBcast Archives. If you’d ever like to catch up on back episodes, go there.

* If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums. Music provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service. Opening song by Cake. The LAMBcast loves feedback, too – if you’d like yours read on a future show, leave it in the comments section at the LAMB. Please visit and like our Facebook page, and finally, we’re on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one.

Thanks for listening!

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