We love David Fincher on the Lambcast, so when he released a new movie, we couldn’t help but talk about it. Be warned, however, we go into detail in the spoilers, so it is highly recommended that you watch the film (or read the book) before listening. Heck, it’s recommended that you watch the film (or read the book) even if you don’t listen.
So, who is on Team Nick? Who is on Team Amy? Which person took the unprecedented option of Team Desi? Listen to find out as host Jay Cluitt is joined by Robert Zerbe, Kristen Lopez, Pete Conway and Joe Guiliano to discuss the twisty-turny fun. Also on tap were rants and raves of the week, and some more horror-themed games of Last Lamb Standing.
The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. The direct RSS feed is: http://lambcast.podomatic.com/entry/2014-10-13T10_31_41-07_00. Shows will eventually make their way to the LAMBcast Archives. If you’d ever like to catch up on back episodes, go there. If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums. Music provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service. Opening song by Cake. The LAMBcast loves feedback, too – if you’d like yours read on a future show, leave it in the comments section at the LAMB. Please visit and like our Facebook page, and finally, we’re on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one. Thanks for listening!
I miss you too Joe, and boobs