
The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!


Last month was horror, but we’re back to normal for this month with any and all films being eligible, from blockbuster espionage thrillers to cult curios and science fiction classics. The results are in and the winner has been decided, and that winner is…. 2001: A Space Odyssey.BKA1J3

Congratulations this time around go to me, Jay Cluitt from Life Vs Film. I stuck to my rule of submitting a film when less than five champions came forward, and yay I won. I can’t say any more about the film because I’ve never actually seen it all the way through, I’ve just always wanted to. By championing the movie I get to host the feature discussion as well as the rest of the episode of the upcoming Lambcast show.

As always, when that Lambcast is posted, any reviews the rest of the LAMB wishes to write about the film will be posted too. Please send in any submissions – new or old – to jaycluitt(at)hotmail.com by Friday 14th November. That day will also see the next poll go up, so if you would like to champion a film for December’s Holiday special MOTM, be sure to get in touch as well.

Here are the results of this month’s poll:

Nov 2014 MOTM Poll

Life vs Film will be ineligible to become a Champion for the next three months. Simplistic Reviews has one month of ineligibility. The Vern’s Video Vortex and Flights, Tights and Movie Nights become eligible again with the next poll.

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