The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!
Seeing as we’re rounding the snow-covered, fairy-lighted, tinsel-bedecked corner of the Holiday Season, we’re having a special festive-themed Movie of the Month for December. I put the call out for movies and champions, and a decidedly eclectic mix of Christmas movies were entered. We had everything from classic family to foreign warfare, forgotten horror to Schwarzenegger with a jetpack, but the winner is… Die Hard 2.
Congratulations go to Will Slater from Exploding Helicopter, who in championing the victorious movie gets to host the upcoming Lambcast devoted to Die Hard 2. There’s still an open Wild Card slot on that show (recording date Sunday December 7th, 9am Pacific), so if you want to discuss the Bruce Willis sequel, either leave a message in the comments section, or scrawl your details on the sweater of a dead goon, and leave him in an elevator for me to discover. Ho Ho Ho.
As always, when that Lambcast is posted, any reviews the rest of the LAMB wishes to write about the film will be posted too. Please send in any submissions – new or old – to jaycluitt(at) by Friday 12th December. That day will also see the next poll go up, so if you would like to champion a film for January’s MOTM MOTM, be sure to get in touch as well.
Here are the results of this month’s poll:
Exploding Helicopter will be ineligible to become a Champion for the next three months. Life vs Film has one month of ineligibility. Simplistic Reviews becomes eligible again with the next poll.