Oscar season is still in full flow here at the LAMB! Recently on the Lambcast we held a draft show all about Best Picture winners, and now it’s time for you to vote on who made the best team! Listen to the show here: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/lambcast/episodes/2017-02-08T15_47_53-08_00 Then vote below!
Howard’s Team: The Godfather Part 2, All About Eve, The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, Patton, The Best Years Of Our Lives
Rebecca’s Team: The Godfather, Annie Hall, Rebecca, The Hurt Locker, Slumdog Millionaire
Jay’s Team: Casablanca, No Country For Old Men, Titanic, The Bridge On The River Kwai, The Apartment
Sean’s Team: Schindler’s List, Gone With The Wind, The Deer Hunter, Lawrence Of Arabia, The Last Emperor
Nick’s Team: The Silence Of The Lambs, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Amadeus, The Departed, The Sound Of Music
I voted for Nick because he had Silence of the Lambs and Amadeus, I think the best films of the 90s and 80s respectively. I want to change my vote after listening to the podcast, Howard had Godfather 2 already, and Patton, but when he mentioned the marvelous score by Jerry Goldsmith, he had me, So it’s too late but if it comes down to a recount, consider my vote a butterfly ballot mistake.
There are still a bunch of good films left and even though I can’t get Casablanca, Godfather 1 or 2, Lawrence of Arabia or Amadeus and Silence. I think I could still pick a pretty competitive team. If there were an additional slot, here would be my slate with what is left:
Ben Hur
On The Waterfront
Heck, I like musicals enough that my Dark Horse slate would be:
West Side Story
My Fair Lady
An American In Paris
Loved the intro Jay, even if it did have to be delivered without any live listeners.
Thank you. Appreciate the good words.
Nice list Richard. I thought others might take Rocky or Ben-Hur. Your musical list definitely wouldn’t get y vote though, as you heard I despise An American in Paris. That being said I do like Oliver, West Side Story and Chicago. Still haven’t seen My Fair Lady, but I will later this year.