It’s time to vote for February’s Movie of the Month! The poll is at the bottom of the page, but first, the contenders!

Barbarella (1968) [Howard Casner, Rantings and Ravings]

After Hours (1985) [Sean Homrig, 1001 Movies Podcast]

Midnight Run (1988) [Todd Liebenow, Forgotten Filmz]

The Three Musketeers (1993) [Nick Rehak, French Toast Sunday]

Twelve Monkeys (1995) [Chris Staron, The Popcorn Auteur]

Talk To Her (2002) [Rebecca Sharp, Almost Ginger]

Vote for the film you want to win here! The poll will close on Sunday 21st January, it’s going to end on this date, dammit.

If you’d like to submit a film for March’s Movie of the Month, leave a message in the comments, or contact us on Twitter (@LambThe) or email largeassmovieblogs(at)

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