The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon! June is our first ever female directed special (but not our first ever female-directed MOTM) and we had fifteen female-directed films submitted to choose from, ranging from classic noir to modern horror, through 80s fun and gritty comic book movies. Basically, if you’re looking for a varied list of films directed by women to sink your teeth into, look no further. However there can be only one winner, and the film we’re talking about for June 2019 is… The Breadwinner!
Congratulations to Tony Cogan from Coogs Review for successfully championing The Breadwinner to victory. As such he gets to host the upcoming Lambcast dedicated to it, and if you have any reviews, features or podcasts on The Breadwinner send them to Jay by Monday 10th June.
Winners are excluded for a calendar year, as such Almost Ginger, Kirkham A Movie A Day, Hollywood Consumer, That Moment In, The 1001 Movies Podcast and Coogs Review are ineligible for the rest of 2019. If you would like to submit a film for July’s Movie of the Month, get in touch soon!
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