
The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon! We’re back to a no-theme month for July, which led to a nicely diverse mix of films, but as ever there can be only one winner. Fortunately we didn’t have to resort to a talent show or swimsuit competition to determine the outcome, because the winning film for July is… Drop Dead Gorgeous!

Congratulations to first-time MOTM champion Doug Jamieson from The Jam Report for successfully championing Drop Dead Gorgeous to victory. As such he gets to host the upcoming Lambcast dedicated to it, and if you have any reviews, features or podcasts on Drop Dead Gorgeous send them to Jay by Monday 15th July.

Winners are excluded for a calendar year, as such Almost Ginger, Kirkham A Movie A Day, Hollywood Consumer, That Moment In, The 1001 Movies Podcast, Coogs Review and The Jam Report are ineligible for the rest of 2019. If you would like to submit a film for September’s Movie of the Month, get in touch soon!

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