
It’s time to vote for October’s movie of the month! Hold up though, this month is a bit different. Not only is October’s Movie of the Month horror-themed, but it appears some ghostly gremlins have gotten into the polling plug-in, and are limiting the poll to at most three movies. This is a problem, as we’ve got ten! So for this month, and until this issue is resolved, we’ll be determining the MOTM with a tournament style bracket. The first round is two 3-film polls and two 2-film polls, all match-ups have been determined at random, and the winner from each poll will go onto the semi-finals in one week, and a week later the winners of those two semi-finals will meet in the final. Complicated enough for you? I’m sorry, this was the best short notice workaround whilst we look into the problem further. So, let’s get into the polls! These first batch will end on Tuesday 15th September, and vote for as many polls as you like.

Trick R Treat (2007) [Heather Baxendale, MILFcast]

Insidious (2010) [Damien Riley, Riley on Film]

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) [Amanda Kirkham, Hollywood Consumer]

The ‘Burbs
(1989) [David Brook, Blueprint: Review

Mandy (2018) [Meg Hyland, Meg’s Movie Alphabet]

Just Before Dawn
(1981) [Aaron Neuwirth, The Code is Zeek

Candyman (1992) [Lisa Leeahey, The Critical Critics]

Night of the Demon
(1957) [Brian Eggert, Deep Focus Review]

Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) [Mark Hofmeyer, Movies, Films & Flix]

Host (2020) [Jason Soto, Whatever With Jason Soto]

If you’d like to submit a film for a future Movie of the Month, leave a message in the comments, or contact us on Twitter (@LambThe) or email largeassmovieblogs(at)gmail.com.

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