
It’s October! Horror month! And with it comes the horror-special Movie of the Month. We made a special exception this month as Lisa couldn’t make it to her own previously winning show, which worked out in her favour because she’s won again! Hopefully she can make it this time as she’ll be hosting the discussion on this month’s winner… Cube!

Congratulations go once again to Lisa Leaheey from The SibList for successfully championing Cube to victory. As such she gets to host the upcoming Lambcast episode devoted to it!

If you would like to submit a film for a future MOTM poll, get in touch! Winners are excluded for a calendar year, so Meg Hyland, Richard Kirkham, James Wilson, Howard Casner, Nick Rehak, Emily Slade, Vern, Lisa Leaheey and David Brook are now ineligible until 2022.

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