
So, do we really need a new Batman movie? The guests on this week’s show and the Box Office returns all answer in the Affirmative. Director of the Month Matt Reeves has brought us an even darker version of the caped vigilante, who actually plays detective a lot more in this film than any of the previous movies. The stand alone story, new Batman, and the cast of supporting players give us plenty to talk about.

The Batman is trying to run down a serial killer called The Riddler, who is targeting Gotham officials and powerful behind the scene forces. Standing in The Batman’s way are a cast of well known secondary charters, both allies and enemies, who complicate the pursuit of the brilliant but insane killer. This film is a combination procedural and action film and the guests have opinions.

Do we really need Colin Farrell if he is covered in so much make up and body padding that he is unrecognizable? Did anyone imagine that Paul Dano would be the key spark that would make the movie memorable? Did Zoë Kravitz luck out in getting cast in this version as Catwoman rather than in “The Dark Knight Rises”? Where the hell is Alfred for two thirds of the movie? These and other questions occupy Nick Rehak, Paul McGuire Grimes, Howard Casner and Jay Cluitt as they join Richard in exploring what looks to be the biggest film of the year, for at least a couple more months.


Discussion 4:15

Cast Talk 11:00

Plot Points 23:50

Action/What Action? 43:00

Cinematography (Alone in the Dark) 46:45

Lambscores 1:03:10

We have some Rants/Raves and Reviews for you 1:08:10

And a hard fought Game of Orphans 1:18:09

And some Plugs

Jay Deep Blue Sea Life vs. Film

Paul Paul’s Trip to the Movies

Howard Pop Art

Nick Exploding Helicopter Movies Films and Flix Deep Blue Sea Rehak Radio

Richard KAMAD

The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:


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