Are you ready for the summer movies coming this year? Is there any chance that Indiana Jones will be the Dial of Delight rather than of Disappointment? Will a singing mermaid be a hit in live action? Is it possible for a second year in a row that Tom Cruise will be dead reckoning on target with the movie audience? These questions may be answered by September, but that is the future. This show is about the past.

Summer became movie season with a certain fish story, and Dave Anderson of “Free Kittens Movie Guide” attempts to ride that notoriety to victory in arguing that 1975 was the greatest movie summer. It’s not clear to anyone else however, that one big fish trumps a plethora of sunny weather films. Todd Liebenow of “Forgotten Films” is not willing to concede, and since he is defending 1984’s Summer season, it is easy to see why. Maybe a deep bench is worth more than a franchise quarterback. Frequent Helicopter Exploder Nick Rehak is having none of it, he says I’ve got one vote in the bag with my first pick and then sandbags the group until his last round, 2008’s summer does not look too shabby. As host, Richard deferred to his guests on their Summer Movie years, and got mugged by two of them, nevertheless he finds worth in the summer of 1987, and you will too, “or there will be…trouble”.

Does it get a little snarky? Even though the guests fall over one another in praising the choices that are being made by their opponents, there are some shots taken at the choices. Let’s face it, some films got sequels that hurt the standing of the original. Oh, and listen to the tone in one participant’s voice when a certain movie is praised by two other guests. Distain has a sound.
After you listen to the show, make sure to voice your opinion by voting on the poll for the Greatest Summer Movie Season.
Debate, Brawl, Showdown, you decide
Round 1 3:40
Round 2 23:30
Round 3 41:05
Round 4 56:53
Round 5 1:15:40
Final Round 1:34:40
Movie Year Quotes “The Game” 1:42:13
Exit Question “Favorite Summer Movie Franchise” 1:53:50
The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:
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