
Forget your F.O.M.O. when choosing a film or two for your summer evening, the Lambcast has you covered this week. Four Lambs have programed a double feature for you, and they all had slightly different approaches for doing so. Before we give you our suggestions however, we have a fun discussion of our own histories with double features and with Drive-Ins.

Howard Casner has memories of kiddie matinees that turned into double features, and there were the repertory film screenings of the old days that crop up in the discussion as well. Todd Liebenow has done the Drive-In Double feature, but it has been a long time, and Roger Wister is young enough to have never seen a double feature in a theater of any type.

Roger has a Tom Clancy theme for his suggestions, or maybe he just has a man crush on Harrison Ford, either way, you are going to get some whiplash when you realize that Ford’s Jack Ryan is both younger and older than Alec Baldwin’s version.

Summertime also means that it is baseball season. Todd Liebenow has not just a double feature for you but a double header. If laughter is what you are seeking, then his recommendations will make your Saturday Night a memorable one. So get some peanuts and crackerjacks and get ready for a jam packed intermission because he found a ton of stuff to add as souvenirs. 

Science Fiction and fantasy dominate Richard’s suggestions. If you are in a Drive-In Theater with the kids nearby, pack a dinner and plan your program so you end with a romantic adult thriller, that is after the kids have passed out from one movie and a cartoon. It’s hard to go wrong with these suggestions, even if you are just watching in the comfort of your living room. 

After our break, we get to the question of the week: “Is there a movie that you watch as a palate cleanser when you have seen a film that you really did not like? Sort of a Pepto Bismol for a film that upset, unnerved or just pissed you off. Or Maybe it is a tonic for a bad mood unrelated to another film, you can just go to it when you want to relax and adjust your attitude.”

Everyone had a different reason for the choices they made, you should play along and come up with your own answers. 


Double Feature Conversation   5:10

Drive-In Talk   19:00

Double Feature Programming   26:05

Exit Question   1:11:00

Plugs   1:26:46

Howard   Pop Art

Todd   Forgotten Filmcast

Roger  Road House Minute Podcast  Twelve Days of White Christmas Podcast

Speed Movie Minute Podcast

Richard   KAMAD  Throwback Thursday Project

The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:


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