Lambcast #733 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

by Richard Kirkham · May 28, 2024 · Featured, LAMBcast · 1 Comment

Director George Miller is 79, which means this week’s film comes from someone who is actually older than anyone on the show. “Furiosa” is both a prequel and a spin-off from the Mad Max franchise. It is directly connected to “Fury Road” from 2015, as you will be able to see from the characters who return from that film. It also introduces us to the character originally played by Charlize Theron in that 2015 film, only now that character is played by two other actors.

If you are up for high speed action over the course of two and a half hours, then “Ready! Setty! GOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Chris Hemsworth joins the franchise as Dr. Dementus, who doesn’t play Weird Al Yankovic songs, but does like some bizarre music and dance. The episode this week is more than an hour shorter than the film, so you should feel comfortable slipping on those headphones and listening.

Daniel Lackey worries about what happens when director George Miller is too old to keep making these films. Damien Riley can’t quite get used to the word “Abundance”, and James Wilson has some notes on under-cranking/over-cranking and speed ramping. You will also get a partial list of rankings for all five Mad Max films. 


General Thoughts   3:34

Tech Talk   17:00

Chapters   31:20

Spoiler Wall   40:00

Runtime   45:35

Rankings   1:00:00

Exit Question   1:05:18

Damien Riley on Film

Daniel From Inner Time

James Blogging by Cinema Light

Richard KAMAD

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