Lambcast #742 The 1984 Movie Draft

by Richard Kirkham · August 5, 2024 · Draft, Featured, LAMBcast · No Comments

One of the things everybody seems to agree on is that 1984 was a landmark year for films. There were blockbusters that still have franchise installments up to today, as well as esoteric foreign language films, and cult movies galore released in that 366 day window. In was inevitable that the LAMB community would get a showdown of movies from that period.

Six Filmslingers have gathered for a draft to see who has picked the best slate of movies from 1984. As always with these shows, there is a mental tug-of-war for the contestants, do we pick what we think will get votes, or do we pick what we liked the most? Howard Casner sticks to his tried and true format of picking what he thinks are the best films of the year. Aaron Neuwirth starts with a music theme but gets blocked on some key choices by The Vern. Todd Liebenow has the inside track on box office hits, but can’t resist at least one wild pitch, and Damien Riley randomly spins his wheel of fortune to create a diverse slate of movies. Richard just keeps mixing metaphors and stealing films that others had their eyes on.

There are plenty of surprises, and definitely some off the wall choices. There are lots of heroes, songs, and cult treasures to keep you invested for the length of the show. After listening to everyone’s picks, we want you to vote on the results. Look for the accompanying post with the Choices of our contestants, and then you decide who make the best selections.


Round One 4:30

Round Two 23:45

Round Three 48:30

Round Four 1:16:40

Round Five 1:46:11

Aaron Out Now With Aaron and Abe

Damien Riley On Film

Todd The Forgotten Filmcast

Howard Pop Art

The Vern Cinema Recall

Richard KAMAD

The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:

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