URL: http://mrmarakai.wordpress.com/
Site Name: Marked Movies
Twitter: @MarkusMarakai
Categories: Reviews
Rating: NC17
What is the main focus of your site?
URL: http://www.movienotesbook.blogspot.se/
Site Name: Movie Notebook
Categories: Reviews, Lists, General
Rating: G
What is the main focus of your site?
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything, are you trying to get out your...
Hey there fellow LAMBs.
San Diego Comic Con is coming up on us and I just wanted to give a quick shout out that there are a bunch of LAMBs attending this year.
There won’t be a formal meet-up arranged by the LAMB but I do suggest that you hook-up or mingle with our members that are repping.
Here are the ones that are confirmed (let me know if you are going and I’ll update the post):
Dylan and Kai from...
URL: http://filmscope.net/
Site Name: Filmscope
Twitter: @filmscopedotnet
Facebook: Filmscope.net
Categories: Reviews, Horror, Lists, Trailers
Rating: PG13
What is the main focus of your site?
URL: http://www.cinekatz.com/
Site Name: Cinematic Katzenjammer
Twitter: @Manchub
Categories: Reviews, General, Humor
Rating: PG13
What is the main focus of your site?
What are your blogging goals, personally...
URL: http://thatblogthatchickwrote.blogspot.com.au/
Site Name: That Blog That Chick Wrote
Twitter: @thatblogchick
Categories: Reviews, Horror, Book Reviews
Rating: PG13
What is the main focus of your site?
What are your blogging goals, personally and/or...
Time for another opportunity for me to preach about something in here. This its all about being connected.
Having a smartphone is an awesome resource when being involved with the LAMB and the film blogosphere. I thought I’d list the top five LAMB related iPhone apps.
1. Twitter is an obvious choice if you already use it on your computer. However, it gets a total new dimension when tweeting...
Hey there, Its your household Shepherd here with a plug. As some may know me and Jessica have started up a monthly film blogger meetup in Stockholm.
Last saturday we had our third gathering focusing around The Hunger Games that we saw on the afternoon and then we went out for food and drinks.
When we watch films together like this we have started our own blogathon on the film by the participating members. So if you spot this...