Posts Tagged ‘Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob’

  • LAMBcast #105: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    by Dylan · Feb 28, 2012 at 4:28 CET · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 3 Comments
    LAMBcast #105: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    Nick oversees one of our favorite shows to do, and as it turns out, just about everyone was on the same page (wait’ll you get to the Rants section). Also on hand were Steve, Dan Heaton, Stevee (making a return to the show after some time off) and first-time LAMBcaster Jessica of The Velvet Cafe, making this the most international show we’ve had to date, with LAMBs from three continents present and accounted for. I look forward to...

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  • The LAMB Devours the Oscars: Best Picture – Midnight in Paris

    by Rachel · Feb 16, 2012 at 19:00 CET · LAMB Devours the Oscars · 3 Comments
    The LAMB Devours the Oscars: Best Picture – Midnight in Paris
    Editor’s note: Welcome to the twenty-third of a 32-part series dissecting the 84th Academy Awards, brought to you by the Large Association of Movie Blogs and its assorted members. Every day leading up to the Oscars, a new post written by a different LAMB will be published, each covering a different category of the Oscars. To read any other posts regarding this event, please click the tag following the post. Thank you, and...

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  • LAMBcast #101: Top 10s for 2011

    by Dylan · Feb 1, 2012 at 6:45 CET · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 4 Comments
    LAMBcast #101: Top 10s for 2011

    Fans of Rants and Raves of the Week, I assure you they are not going anywhere. However, with our special interview show coming at #100 and with this, our Top 10s show at #101, let’s just say that they’ve taken a short hiatus. That was planned from the start, as this was expected to be a longish show, and it was. Dylan, Nick, Fredo, Dan Heaton and LAMBcast newbie Lindsay Street of French Toast Sunday were all on hand to count down...

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  • LAMBcast #100

    by Dylan · Jan 21, 2012 at 11:00 CET · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 4 Comments
    LAMBcast #100

    The century mark has been reached!

    For this special episode, we abandon our usual format altogether! We make stunning changes to the structure of the show! We challenge the laws of time and space! Or…I gather as many of the founding fathers of the show as possible and we have an informal interview show, catching up on our lives, blogs, and podcasts (or lack thereof). I was joined by: Nick Jobe of Random Ramblings of a...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #99: The Evil Dead

    by Dylan · Jan 14, 2012 at 17:55 CET · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 6 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #99: The Evil Dead

    The setup here is extremely simple, so let’s get it out of the way quickly – the IMDb summary, for those unfamiliar:

    “Five friends go up to a cabin in the woods, where they find unspeakable evil lurking in the forest. They find a tome called the Necronomicon and the taped translation of the text. Once the tape is played, the evil is released. One by one, the teens are possessed. With only one remaining, it is up to...

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  • LAMBcast #98: Melancholia

    by Dylan · Dec 31, 2011 at 8:00 CET · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 2 Comments
    LAMBcast #98: Melancholia

    Stunning visuals. Parent/child dynamics. A controversial director pulling an award-winning performance out of his lead. An end result that received wildly divergent reactions from viewers, from the many claiming “masterpiece” to the perhaps-not-quite-as-many screaming “terrible!”

    Oh, and Melancholia is probably like The Tree of Life in any number of other ways as well. Bet you saw that coming a mile away, not...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #97: Dead Man

    by Dylan · Dec 18, 2011 at 4:30 CET · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 8 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #97: Dead Man

    To steal a line from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which will come up on the LAMBcast devoted to this MOTM, it’s quite possible that Jim Jarmusch, and this film in particular, are ” Too weird to live, and too rare to die.” Dead Man is some kind of neo-Western, a postmodern breed of film that’s too strange and slow perhaps for most audiences, but is music to the heart of so many others. Filled with striking images and...

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  • LAMBcast #93: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    by Shep. Burman · Nov 22, 2011 at 6:00 CET · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 3 Comments
    LAMBcast #93: Whatcha Been Watchin’ Lately?

    Not a lot of exposition needed here: Joel, Sam, Nick, Jason and Dylan got together to discuss their recent viewings. It’s a fun show – we know it, you know it, and there it is.

    Also on tap:

    * Rants of the Week
    * Raves of the Week
    * Last LAMB Standing

    If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #92: Moon

    by Dylan · Nov 12, 2011 at 20:50 CET · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 6 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #92: Moon

    Duncan Jones’ 2009 sci-fi drama Moon kind of crept up on audiences, but they quickly fell in love with its intimacy, it’s ambition, and its inventiveness. Made for a mere $5MM, its setting and effects gave the impression of a much larger-budgeted film, and Jones’ direction combined with a career-defining performance by Sam Rockwell (in a career seemingly chock full of new peaks) made it an Oscar hopeful and surefire cult...

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  • LAMBcast #89: Roll Your Own Top 5

    by Shep. Burman · Oct 25, 2011 at 13:59 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 6 Comments
    LAMBcast #89: Roll Your Own Top 5

    Obscure zombies, memorable births, embarrassing theatrical trips, and standalone superheroes…in other words, it was high time for another Roll Your Own Top 5 episode, and I must say, the LAMBcasters came through with another batch of interesting lists. On hand for the shenanigans this time around were Dylan, Nick, Dan Heaton and Fredo.

    Also on tap:

    * Rants of the Week
    * Raves of the Week
    * Last LAMB...

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  • Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #88: Bronson

    by Dylan · Oct 16, 2011 at 6:41 CEST · LAMBcast, MOTM, Podcasts · 7 Comments
    Movie of the Month/LAMBcast #88: Bronson

    Tom Hardy has been acting in high-profile films since the early 2000s (Black Hawk Dawn, Star Trek: Nemesis), but it wasn’t until 2008 when he made a name for himself, first in Guy Ritchie’s “comeback” film RockNRolla, and subsequently in the film of the day, Bronson. The sixth film from Danish director Nicholas Winding Refn (Drive) is, well…have a look at the plot synopsis from IMDb, as it might be the most...

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  • LAMBcast #87

    by Shep. Burman · Oct 13, 2011 at 5:38 CEST · LAMBcast, Podcasts · 7 Comments
    LAMBcast #87

    Yes, I’m still behind, and I apologize. This episode is posted a few days late and I’ve got to get the next one up in time for Saturday’s MOTM. The pressure! šŸ˜‰

    Anyway, episode 87 was one of our increasingly rare “one-off” episodes where host Nick talked to Courtney, Alan, and Fredo about films that they love that are pretty much unloved or unseen by the rest of the world. So you might call them guilty...

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