
Thanks for tuning in to The LAMB Broadcasting Corporation – the LBC (not to be confused with any Snoop Dogg organization of the same name).

This week on LBC News, a special report on the trafficking of internet traffic, an expose on torture porn in the San Fernando Valley, and Andy Rooney chimes in with six things that made him angry in the last three minutes (spoiler alert: one of them is an umbrella). But first, these bulletins:

* The LAMB Oscar Pool. Win FABULOUS PRIZES! Think you’re a Negrodamus for the new millenia? Try your hand at the LAMB Oscar Pool. Even better – the top scorer will win FABULOUS PRIZES from around the world. Well, that or a movie of your choice from Amazon (up to $19.99, not including tax/shipping). On top of all that, I’m opening up the contest to non-LAMBs as well; that’s right, anyone can enter! Feel free to send along the info to friends and family – the more the merrier, right? (Though I will do a special post dedicated to the LAMBs choices.)

To play, simply go here (http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/324566) and make your picks for who you think will win and who you want to win. The winner of the fabulous prize will be the top scorer for the think portion. The deadline to sumbit your entries will be Saturday, February 23rd. – I don’t have control over an exact time and am not sure what time Mister Poll will shut it down, so just be sure to have it completed before that day. One entry per person. If there are two entries with the same name, I will accept the first entry (though Mister Poll appears to lock them down by IP). I will coordinate the prize winning via email, so enter a valid email below or perish. If I could think of more legal-type mumbo jumbo, I would put it here; suffice it so say, that nothing is guaranteed and all decisions by me are final.

* The LAMB Forum. If you’re a LAMB, but not yet a member (or are a member, but aren’t active), it’s time to join and particpate over at the LAMB forum. There you will find not only general movie/tv/music/etc talk, but hear about and contribute to the happenings here at the LAMB before they happen. Also, discuss and see traffic for the LAMB and/or your own sites and get/give advice on blogging in general. Thanks go to Jed from the Movie-Fanatic for putting the forum on the back end of his site.

* LAMB entries. I’m glad to see that the IMDb exposure has garnered us quite a few more new LAMBs. We currently have 37, and I still have a few more pending (I like to space them out so no one gets lost in the mix, and also so I don’t go long without posting something new). LAMBs by month look like this:

October: 1 (Blog Cabins)
November: 12
December: 9
January: 9
February (to date, including ones not yet posted): 8

I most like the 8 in February, considering the month is not yet half over. Who will be the milestone 50th LAMB? Or 100th?

* Final note: to let all this news settle in, there will be no LAMB Devours the Oscars post for Monday. It will return Tuesday.

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