There’s a process I go through when I post every new LAMB site. First, I publish the profile post itself. Then, I go in and edit the LAMB scroll box to include the new site, followed by shooting off an email to the author to let them know that their profile has been posted. Finally, I’ll go into my Google Reader and add a subscription to the new site. (On occasion, I’ll go in and add a bunch of new sites to “the Widget,” but it’s not efficient enough to do with every LAMB; if your site isn’t in it yet, it will be soon.) Every day (multiple times a day most often), I go to Reader to check out what’s going on not only with non-LAMB sites that I read, but with every LAMB’s new post. Some people (like Movie Dearest) post multiple times a day; others post roughly once a day, and a few are all but stagnant if not altogether inactive.
As you might imagine, with 70 LAMBs, this has become an overwhelming task that, even with some skimming, has turned into a part-time job of sorts. As much as I’d like to, I can’t possibly read posts from, say, 50 LAMBs a day (in addition to non-LAMB sites). This simultaneously puts a smile and a frown on my face, as I’m sad that I’m finding this to be a tough task, but glad that there are so many of you out there making it difficult. As time passes and we near the 100th LAMB, it’s only going to get harder.
As such, I think I’m going to try to kill two birds with one stone via a relaunch and rejiggering of the LAMB Chops feature. Previously, I had decreed that the Chops nominations must come from a site other than your own. That will be no longer. Instead, while you’re still welcome to nominate posts from others, the Chops can come from your site. What we’re looking for is the best of the LAMB for any given week.
So, here’s the new deal: email me up to one post from your site for the given week (though you can send additional ones from other sites). I will then use my editorial powers to pick the top ones – could be 5, could be 10 – I might settle on a given number once I see how many submissions I’m getting weekly. For this next go around, the week I’ll be looking at will be April 6 – 12 (Sunday-Saturday), with the feature scheduled to re-debut on Wednesday.
Here’s the nitty gritty:
* My email:
* Please send with a subject of “LAMB Chops Submission”
* In the email, provide your site name, the post title, and URL (post URL is preferred, if possible).
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let me know as well. I’m specifically looking for presentation suggestions (rather than just using plain old text links); to see the styles used previously, click here.
Now get sending!
Is Lamb Chop chopped in half? If it (she?) is, then me likey.
He/she/it most certainly is.