LAMB MOTM Pick for June

I know you’ve all been eagerly awaiting the weekend so I’d finally announce the LAMB MOTM for June. That or so you can finally catch You Don’t Mess with the Zohan. I’m here to help you on the former, but if it’s the latter you seek, may I suggest professional help?

First, I’d like to thank all 17 (!) LAMB members who sent in their movie title suggestions. There were some great submissions and it almost sucks that only one gets chosen. But, after I tore up 17 pieces of paper and wrote 17 titles down, one lucky movie was finally chosen out of my lucky martini glass. Behold, your LAMB MOTM for June is…The Big Lebowski. Special thanks to Nayana at The Center Seat for submitting it.

So now all you have to do is get it, watch it, review it and send me a link to your review (rachelcminyard@hotmail.com) by June 29th at 12:00 pm (CST). If you’re a gunner who already reviewed this one but you still want to play in our reindeer games, please feel free to send me a link to your old review. I’ll be sure to give you a one week reminder before the official post with all the links goes up on June 30th.

If there’s any questions, let me know.


(Edit: When you send the links to your reviews to me, please let me know in the email if you liked it, didn’t like it or are indifferent to the film. When I post the links, I will place them in one of these categories. Thanks!)

6 thoughts on “LAMB MOTM Pick for June

  1. Sweet! I already own this movie, so I won’t have to go hunting it down.

    Though, with the size of my collection, the odds were definitely not against me in having to see a movie I didn’t own… or something like that (my collection is enormous).

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