New poll…and some other stuff

The results from the last poll are in, though they’re largely inconclusive. The question was “What is your preferred movie news site?” It finished a tie between IMDb and Other, each with 13 votes. Coming in third was Cinematical with 4 votes. 40 votes were cast overall.

The new poll is up, and centers on traffic to your site.

Also, I wanted to give a push to anyone that may be interested in one of our two new upcoming events. The first is our latest “Sirens”-style feature, this time with the question of “What action hero would you most like as your roommate?” The structure has changed slightly, and it sounds like a lot of fun (and ought to go smoother this time around). More details from our host Nick can be seen here.

Second up in the queue is a “LAMB Interview” feature being orchestrated by one of our newer LAMBs, Big Mike from, appropriately, Big Mike’s Movie Blog. If there’s a LAMB you’d like to interview, or if you’d like to be interviewed, or if you think happy thoughts when you hear the word “interview,” contact Big Mike. More details here.

We’ve got a lot of talented people represented her, so let’s show some support to these events and let’s get some involvement from some of our recent LAMBs.

Finally, I don’t know what did it (sometimes I feel like Jerry Seinfeld in the episode where everything evens out for him), but my complaining about a lack of new LAMBs obviously worked, as I’ve been on a tear posting the latest sites, and I’ve already got 4 more in the hopper, which you ought to see next week. Thanks again to you all for posting your LAMB buttons and generally giving great publicity to the LAMB. I/we’re always trying to do the same right back at ya.

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