I was asked by a LAMB recently ways to get more involved with the site and/or get more traffic from the LAMB. Here were my suggestions, just in case anyone else is wondering:
* Send in Chops (for your own site or others)
* Participate in ‘battle’ events like Sirens or LAMB Action Hero
* Submit a Random LAMB Banner (200 x 90) to get more visual exposure
* Refer traffic to the LAMB and get onto the LAMB leaderboard
* Suggest/administer a new event for the LAMB, a la Plot Farm or the battles
* Submit links for the LAMBScores feature via the LAMB Forums
* Take part more in the discussions at the LAMB Forums
* Contact Big Mike about wanting to take part in a future installment of Interview With A LAMBpire
* Submit a review for the latest Movie of the Month
It’s kind of mentioned above, but my favorite would be “get creative.” If there’s something you’d like to see the LAMB do that it isn’t doing now, either email me or go to the Forums and start up a thread discussing it.