I can’t believe eight of you fell for the trick question in the last poll, selecting the option “You guys are lame.” Via ISP tracking and some other technology that I don’t have, I’ve determined who the eight of you were and will be asking you to step into my office shortly. How dare you.

Anyway, thanks to all for answering. To those of you that are/were too busy, it’s time to re-prioritize. 😉

The new poll is up and asks, now that The Dark Knight has hit theaters, which remaining ’08 release are you most looking forward to. If I missed yours, speak up here.

* I got a mass email sent to me from the folks in charge of The Second Annual B Movie Celebration, and with as many B Movie sites as we have as members here, I thought I’d post it in case you didn’t get it. It might be of limited value since it’s being held in Indiana, but here’s the link nevertheless, as I’m sure there are other ways to show interest:


If you want me to forward you the email, let me know in the next couple days; otherwise, it’s headed to my trash folder.

* General Disdain from The Critical Critics forwarded me the following email from an independent filmmaker; I’m sure they’d love your interest as well:


We are writing to inquire about an opportunity to have our film reviewed. We have a solid independent comedy that we feel has something unique to offer. We don’t have any big names but we do have some entertaining comedy. The name of our film is 4th and Long. We would love the chance to get a critical review of our film from you.

4th is a comedy about three high school football fans and their quest to save the home team. These are the older guys you would see at the games in high school. They are the men who never out grew the glory of the home field. They are passionate fans with questionable life ambitions who never miss a Friday night game. The film chronicles there lifestyles in a
documentary fashion and then follows them as they rise to the challenge to save their home team football program from being shut down.

We like to think our film is pretty darn funny but we also want to test our silly confidence. Please let us know if you interested. If ya give us a shot, we promise it won’t be 87 minutes of your life you’ll want back!

Thanks for reading our mail!

Timothy Vandenberg
4th and Long

* I put this out too late, but Big Mike from, appropriately, Big Mike’s Movie Blog, had his Batman Blog-A-Thon last week. Too late to contribute, but there’s some good writing there – even something from some Fletch guy.

* He didn’t ask for a plug, but Evan from MovieZeal will be hosting Noir Month all throughout August. If it’s anything like the Coen Brothers Month they had awhile back, you’ll definitely want to check it out.

Other Stuff
* Don’t forget – voting for the LAMB’s Top 10 Action/Adventure movies ends on the 23rd. Right now, there are 25 entries, compared to the 35 we had for the comedies. Let’s beat that number, ok? Got a suggestion for the next genre? Let’s hear it. If I get nothing, I’ll probably go with Drama or Horror.

Info on how to vote and such can be found here.

* The LAMB Movie of the Month for July is The Conversation. Reviews are due by July 30th. For more info, go here.

9 thoughts on “Smorgasbord

  1. X-files? Hello??? X-files!!!????!!!???

    Maybe it will suck (like the last two seasons?) maybe it’s silly maybe it’s nostalgic and nerdy….but:



  2. I bet you’ll never guess which post-Dark Knight film *I* voted for…


    Pfft… that guy’s ‘Noir Month’ is not gonna be nearly as awesome as my ‘Week of Bizarre Noir’ was a while back. That was some awesome stuff right there…


  3. @ Whitney – I get the impression that not many people care about the new X-Files movie. We’ll see what the box office has to say.

    @ J.D. – There’s my anti-Kidman bias again…

    @ Nick (and DJ) – I’m guessing Nick voted for HP, though if there were a Twilight vote, I could see Nick voting for that, too.

    @ DJ – Clueless?

  4. I’m tired and running on almost empty (with the exception of the two shots of espresso that I’m trying to gulp down). Clueless popped in my mind for some reason, I’m not sure why.


    Or Harry Potter. Yeah, I voted for good ‘ol HP6.

    Twilight doesn’t even come close to my excitement for HP6.

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