
PLUG: This Guy Over Here

THIS GUY OVER HERE PRESENTS: 100 FILMS FROM THE AUGHTIES This 247-page book celebrates one hundred of the new millennium’s greatest cinematic achievements – from contemporary classics to quintessential obscurities, from silly slapstick comedy to mind-bending foreign dramas. 100 Films from the Aughties compiles films from the year 2000 through…

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LAMB #929 – FilmMattic

URL: http://www.filmmattic.com/Site Name: FilmMatticCategories: Reviews, General, News, Editorials, Humor, Horror, Classic Film, ListsRating: PG What is the main focus of your site?To provide a repository for in-depth film reviews, interesting film news, and pertinent film views. What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words, what, if anything,…

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LAMB #928 – The Wooden Kimono

URL: http://thewoodenkimono.blogspot.com/Site Name: The Wooden KimonoCategories: Reviews, General, Editorials, HumorRating: R What is the main focus of your site?To take a sidweways look at the films you know and prod a suspicious finger at the films you might have missed.What are your blogging goals, personally and/or professionally? In other words,…

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