
As some of you might have noticed there is a small event this up-coming weekend called the Oscars. A lot of people like to bet or predict the outcome and so do us LAMB’s.

I thought I’d plug the two official Oscar prediction pools that we support but also ask those of our members that have their own pool or know of a good one that should be on here. 

If you have your own or know of one make sure to plug it by leaving a link in a comment. Now over to the two LAMB sanctioned ones!

Mikey Filmmaker is the veteran when it comes to hosting Oscar prediction pools and inviting the whole LAMB community to participate. Here’s the link to submit your entry.

Shane from Film Actually has been kind enough and set up a LAMB league over at Gold Derby, here is the exact link to the group http://www.goldderby.com/Squasher88/leagues/lammies.html.

You can sign up with your facebook account, I had some trouble when registering at first (I got in finally) but if you have issues with getting on it Shane has offered to help you out  by e-mail, shaneslater88(a)gmail(dot)com

So make sure to get in your predictions on both these pools beside bragging rights Mikey has got some prizes for the winners over at his place.

Also make sure to listen in on the latest LAMBcast episode where Dylan, Big Mike Mendez, Dan H and Daniel and Ryan whose blogs more or less focus on Academy Awards prediction!

Lycka till!

Got a Press Release, something to Plug, or a Screener available for review (or some combination of the three)? Ok, don’t get all crazy about it. Just click here and give me the details (what, when, where, and a link, for starters) – I’ll handle the rest.

2 thoughts on “PLUG: Oscar Prediction Pool Round-up!

  1. Submitted my entries in all three. I thought about changing my predictions for each one to give me a better shot of winning, but I decided to be honest and stick to my actual predictions.

    Thanks to all of you for running these contests!

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