It’s safe to say that the latest MOTM poll turned into a blowout. Deny Everything’s choice of Show Me Love took a commanding early lead, and Flights, Tights and Movie Nights’ Robocop selection made a deent run, but Metropolis, championed by 100 Years of Movies ran away with the vote, taking 29% of the 165 votes (nice turnout!). As such, Pat of 100 Years has won a chair in the LAMBcast in which we’ll discuss the film, and the hosting rights to the MOTM segment (more below).
So, here’s what goes down from here:
* The first thing you need to know is that September 16th is the big day. You have just under three weeks to watch the flick, write up something, then send me the link (dylan at; posting to the LAMB’s Twitter account or to mine does not suffice) to either what you write or something previously written. If you’re planning on doing the former, please hold the post in draft until the 16th (you can send a link prior if you have the capability to do so).
* On September 9th, we’ll be recording our MOTM-themed episode of the LAMBcast, where we’ll dissect and discuss Metropolis. If you’d like to get in on it…sorry, that show is full. But keep an eye out at the LAMB Forums to for the future shows schedule, as people often have to bail before the day arrives.
* On the 16th, the LAMBcast will be posted, as well as all of the links to anything written. In addition, I’ll include a poll to decide what the next MOTM flick will be (the call for new Champions will be coming at some point before then). That poll will run for a week, and then there’ll be 3-4 weeks until the next event, and so on.
Here are the final results of the poll:
* 100 Years of Movies will be ineligible to become a Champion for the next three months. 3 Guys 1 Movie has two more months of ineligibility remaining, and Grind My Reels has one. Man, I Love Films becomes eligible again with the next poll.