
I was lucky enough to have been given the chance to see a small German indie film called Pixelschatten. The film follows a blogger and his friends as well as his growing obsession with his site. As he delves deeper into the personal lives of his friends, he risks losing them and thus Pixelschatten‘s story gets going. The film is an incredibly realistic look at a bunch of twenty somethings struggling to find meaning in their lives, while partying, drinking, dating, and working. Anil Kunnel, the director of the film actually reached out to me asking me to review the film. After watching it, I was blown away at so many aspects of the movie (it’s filmed entirely through a first person point of view) and wanted to talk to him about the movie. I recently did a Q&A with Kunnel and the star of the film, Ben Gageik. After discussing the film in depth with the two, I found out that they both would love to get their film out there even more and I mentioned the LAMB. Both were intrigued with the idea of more movie bloggers discussing their film, as well as me wanting to discuss it as well. 

So, to all you fellow LAMBs. If you’re wanting a chance to watch a great film that not as many people have seen and would like to have a screener of it, you can contact me through my blog, or contact Anil Kunnel directly. Below is the contact information as well as related links. 

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