
Skärmavbild 2013-04-03 kl. 22.28.00Well this poll results speaks to itself. Besides the FYC banner tournament the LAMB won’t be hosting any regular games for a while. With that in mind I’m saying a big thanks to Jason Soto who lent us his Netflix Game and Bubbawheat for having coming up with the LAMB Chop-Ups.

I might change this stance in the future so if you come up with a brilliant idea you can always pitch it to me and pray I have a change of hearts.

Make sure to answer the new poll I think its one of the most important ones we have had in a while. 


5 thoughts on “Poll Results

  1. I actually thought the question was about posts on video games. Reading it again now, that seems silly, but it made sense at the time. I actually would have voted differently and said “yes” if I read it correctly.

  2. I really enjoy the games whenever they are on the site. I loved the poster mash-up series Bubbawheat hosted, particularly when it got more competetive near the end!

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